Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sigma 400mm to arrive today...

... and I'm pretty excited.

Of course, I'm working/transporting kids until 9 pm so I won't get to try it out for a while. I may stop home quickly if it is delivered before I need to pick up the kids (not wild about a $300 lens sitting outside my door for too long). That is, assuming a signature is not required...

A few more Sigma 400mm f/5.6 APO Telemacro HSMs have shown up on eBay, and I'm realizing more and more that the HSM usually does not have the Err99 compatibility problem. I suspect it was released right during the time when Sigma realized the mistake so Sigma rechipped many of them before they left the factory and others were sent back soon after purchase. That makes the HSM significantly more valuable on the Canon mount than the others since it is much more likely to allow full aperture control. In fact, there's an HSM lens currently listing for $455 with a little bit of time left, meaning mine may be worth significantly more than just $300 (if I was willing to sell it again).

There's also another lens that just went up which has two spots of mold or fungus on the front element. While fungus is generally a bad thing, it might be an opportunity to get a decent lens cheaply and then get it cleaned.

The current listings are below (this is the same search I've been using to track Tokina and Sigma lenses)...

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