Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sigma 400mm arrived...

... and I'm a little bit disappointed.

Nothing wrong with the lens, it just exhibits the Err 99 problem. I was really hoping it wouldn't :) I'm not sure if I'll pursue Adorama for it, since the price I paid is pretty decent overall even if it suffers from the problem.

It is one of those things where I'd be shooting wide open or slightly stopped down anyway, so I'm not really losing much. But the idea that I can't stop down bugs me. Either way, it is a stop-gap lens until I can get a better one, so I should be happy. And for $300, it is a darn good lens (as far as I can tell). I'll evaluate it again in the light of day (although that may not happen for a few days).

Other impressions:
  • It is really, really heavy.
  • It is very big!
  • The HSM is pretty nice -- seems to lock on solidly, even indoors, and it moves pretty quickly.
  • Solidly built (except the hood) and in good condition.
  • Nice case and packing.


  1. Great news...can't wait to see some pics from this lens.

    I've had the Bigma in the past (on a Konica Minolta) and wasn't impressed....interested to see how this 400mm works on a Canon.

  2. I can't wait to see some pics from the lens too!

    I should be home tomorrow during the afternoon (meaning daylight), so look for some pics tomorrow night.
