Saturday, January 3, 2009

2008 in Review

Last year at this time, I wrote three big posts on the preceding year.

This year, I'm going to write a little bit less.

The main topic early this year was hardware, especially the Sigma 600mm, and included some Reviews. Heck, this isn't a hardware blog, but it sure looks like one sometimes because I like hardware. I also explored RAW software to replace my aging RawShooter and settled on Bibble Pro.

My main subjects were the usual birds and insects with a little baseball thrown in.

Near the end of the year my main focus was microstock and I even set up a little studio in the garage. Of course, then I got distracted by my PhD and microstock was mostly forgotten. It didn't help that the future return was very low for the effort put in.

Which brings me up to now. I'm still hard at work finishing my dissertation and so that is the main blog I've been updating. For the future? Well, once I defend in February I'll have some more time to do photography.

I have plans for a new website which I am very excited about but I've promised myself I'll wait until I defend before I set anything up. Let's just say if you like cheap used hardware, you should like what I have in mind.

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