Sunday, October 26, 2008

Microstock: Registered for Shutterstock

I've decided I shouldn't wait any longer for the review-based microstock sites like Shutterstock. After all, worst case I'd have to wait a month to resubmit.

So I submitted a bird-heavy batch of 10 photos to Shutterstock tonight. We'll see how it goes!

First impressions:
  • Initial sign-up was easy.
  • Shutterstock's website is a bit primitive.
  • Shutterstock is very straightforward on their rules -- quite nice because many sites bury them.
  • Getting 7 of 10 photos is a little daunting but shouldn't be a problem. It helps to have a list of accepted photos at Dreamstime and Fotolia and a bit of sales history.
  • The submission system is pretty nice, although it forces you to keyword all images at the same time which is scary (what if I lose my connection!). Generally, though, it is easy to keyword and tag, and it even highlights possible misspellings for you.
  • From what I have heard, Shutterstock's subscription program gives you a lot of sales whenever you have a decent number of new photos submitted. But, at only 25c a sale, I'll need a lot to make any money.
  • Minimum payout is $75.
That's all for now. I'll keep you posted!

Tuesday Update (two days later): Nine of my ten images were accepted first thing Monday morning, but a second batch of eight images is still awaiting review over a day later, so I suspect Shutterstock puts priority on new signups. Also, my original images haven't been indexed into the search yet (although if I search for my name they show up), so apparently indexing takes days rather than hours like many sites.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,

    I'm the founder of Orange Line Media and I'd love to get your thoughts on an earnings tracking service called LookStat that we're working on.

    Please drop me a line if you have a sec to follow up. You can read a little more about the service at

    Thanks a ton.

