Thursday, October 18, 2007

Crouching Dragonfly, Hidden Frog

My interest in photography is coming back; I've submitted two images during the past week to DPC and one is running at 5.7 while another is running around a 6.3 and will likely get a top ten.

For today, a few pictures from a walk in the Pearson-Arastradero Preserve that I took a few weeks ago. These aren't amazing pictures, but I wanted to post them just for the title opportunity... Both pics were taken with my 20D and Canon 70-200mm F/4.

My goal on the walk was to get some pictures of the red and blue dragonflies in the area. But I was running late and didn't get to the far side of the pond (or do they call it a lake?). So I just stepped down off the levy (right next to the sign that says stay on the levy, I'm such a rebel) and settled in a spot near the edge of the water. I wasn't disappointed, as the little guy below perched a couple of yards away. Although I would have preferred a different view (and should have stopped down a bit to get his head in focus) I had a few come out nice.

As I was quietly getting shots of the dragonfly, I spotted a rather large frog watching me from the cattails at the edge of the water. So I got a shot of him too, although I was pretty constrained on my angle and had to shoot around some weeds.

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