Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I'll be the first to admit: I burned myself out on photography and have done very little over the past few months, ever since the move. But I just thought of something that got me excited to get the camera and lights out once my current deadlines are over:

I have a garage now!

Yes, the new house has a garage, which opens up a lot of opportunities. I now have a sizable studio (about a car and a half-worth) where I can set up concept shots without bugging the heck out of my wife as she's watching TV (and running out of space in the kitchen). I can get a roll of white seamless, hang it on the wall, and leave it there for when I need it! And I can do stuff with water without worrying about the carpet!

My only concern is how the neighbors will react to flash leaking out the windows. I put the over-under on complaints and questions at about one day. I'm sure some of the older ones will suspect lightning at first. Why would you ever put windows above the garage door?

Now, I just need to find some time. Stay tuned, even though this blog looks mostly abandoned. I'm hoping to slap some pictures from Korea up soon, possibly with little or no description.

And so far, so good, with the 20D operating correctly now that it is back to the states and in humidity less than 90%.

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