Monday, July 16, 2007

I Hate Rebates!

I finally got around to getting some pictures of my 20D tonight. Hopefully I'll get around to the review later this week, but don't hold your breath, because our apartment search is going full speed. Soon though.

While I was at it, I figured I'd get out the rebate paperwork for the Kingston CF cards. And I realized the rebates needed to be postmarked by 14 days after the purchase date. Crap!

That is why I hate rebates (other than the instant kind). There are so many ways to screw it up, and then even if you send it in correctly, you may never see any money. That has happened to me more than once. If only I had opened all the materials when I received the cards, I would have avoided a $30 loss. At least the cards work well.

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