Thursday, February 1, 2007

Table Sugar

This is an image that I submitted for the DPChallenge Table Shot II challenge.

Some of my comments on it:

This is literally sugar sitting on my table.

I reversed my Canon 50mm f1.8 on the front of my Tamron 70-300mm at 70mm to give approximately 1.2:1 magnification. Masking tape held them together. I also stopped down the 50mm to f2.8 because it caused some distortion wide open. As it was, to get decent depth of field I had to use a really small aperture on the Tamron, resulting in a ton of vignetting (most of which was cropped off).

And yes, I did arrange the sugar crystals with a toothpick. The full word was a little less than 1 cm long.

Final processing was aimed to make it look like an electron microscope image (or similar) to excentuate the feeling of magnification.

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